“You’re lucky. He’s lucky. I’m lucky! WE’RE ALL LUCKY”
Yep, you guessed it! It’s time to do the Time Warp again! Don’t miss your opportunity to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Aurora Arts Theatre. “Everything is in readiness” for our movie party featuring the 1975 cult-classic movie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Aurora Arts Theatre on Saturday, October 31st. Help us kickoff Halloween with an astounding midnight showing, but don’t fret if you can’t, the madness will fill the theatre again with 5 more showings throughout the day.
Tickets are $20 and prop bags are $5! Oh, and don’t forget to dress up — a prize awaits you if you win the costume contest held before each showing! Singing along with your favorite Transylvanian characters is welcomed, but you must wear your face mask.
Showing October 31, 2020 - Midnight, 11:30am, 2:30pm, 5:30pm, 8:45pm, 11:30pm
Tickets $20.00 ea. | Prop Bags $5 ea. | Doors open 30 minutes before film
Two empty seats between groups and select rows will be utilized to maintain proper social distancing throughout showings.
Social distancing signage will be throughout the theatre.
Staff & Patrons will be required to wear protective masks; except when eating or drinking. Disposable protective masks will be provided upon entry for those who do not have one.